National Security | Military Ethics | Global Far-Right Extremism | Counter-Terrorism | Antisemitism


Liram Koblentz-Stenzler PhD

Dr. Liram Koblentz-Stenzler is a scholar and practitioner with a wealth of experience in the fields of counterterrorism, radicalization, antisemitism studies, and global far-right extremism. She is a senior researcher and head of the Antisemitism & Global Far-Right Extremism Desk at the International Institute of Counter-Terrorism, Reichman University, Israel, and a visiting fellow at Brandeis University. 
She is also a former visiting fellow and lecturer at Yale University

She advises security agencies, technology companies, other organizations, and communities to achieve better understanding of the language, global connections, and action patterns of right-wing extremists in order to prevent acts of terrorism, incitement to violence, and antisemitism.

She holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Tel-Aviv University with dissertation entitled “Democratic Countries Confront Terrorist Organizations and Guerrilla Movements: Comparing Israel, the US, and Sri Lanka.” Her dissertation research proposes a universal ethical doctrine to guide fighting terrorist and guerrilla organizations.

Her work has earned her numerous accolades, including Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center prize for outstanding research in the field of counterterrorism (2018). During her doctoral research she was awarded Fox International Fellowship from the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies, Yale University.  She also held a Visiting Assistant in Research position in the Department of Sociology, Yale University.

She is coauthor (with Professor Boaz Ganor) of book entitled Israel’s Targeted Killing Policy: Moral, Ethical & Operational Dilemmas (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022).

In addition to her academic work, Dr. Koblentz-Stenzler is an active member of the Deborah Forum: Women in Foreign Policy and National Security and serves as the Israeli representative in the Security and Peace Task Force on behalf of the NATO-affiliated ATA organization. 

Areas of Expertise

Israel's Targeted Killing Policy: Moral, Ethical & Operational Dilemmas

by Boaz Ganor, Liram Koblentz-Stenzler

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